There's a concept floating around that describes two types of mindsets that many entrepreneurs operate out of. One of these mindsets can help us build a better business and life, and the other can limit us and hold us back. In this post, I'm going to touch on what these two mindsets look like and how we can start choosing a healthier mindset. Scarcity mindset: The scarcity mindset is based out of limitation. The scarcity mindset says, "I fear there's not enough for me and everyone else, so ... View the Post
3 tips to staying physically healthy as a creative
When you're a work-from-home entrepreneur, sometimes the lines between personal life and work life can get blurred. In the process, we can often find ourselves in a place that all small business owners at some point are familiar with: burn out. Burn out isn't just something mental or emotional though, it can also be physical. How do we stay physically healthy as creative entrepreneurs? The struggle is something often overlooked amidst all our busyness, so today I'm excited to share ... View the Post
How to start a side hustle
This post is for anyone who has been considering adding a side hustle to their life–– Having a little side job can be so rewarding! Whether you want to expand your creative hobby or bring in a little extra income, I’m going to lay out my best tips for anyone who is wanting to start a side hustle. The best way to start out a side hustle is as a hobby. Maybe you’ve had a hobby before and thought to yourself, what if I could actually make money from this? The truth is, you probably ... View the Post
Yes and No Lists: Dealing with Busy Seasons Intentionally
"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction." –John F. Kennedy So you probably know about workflows or have heard about them. It's the system that you follow for reoccurring projects that creates consistency and efficiency in your work. I don't know how many times when I started my business I heard the word "workflow" and thought, I mean, is it that big of a deal? It's just a fancy word for the way I get stuff done. Eight years later and a little bit wiser, I'm here ... View the Post