There’s a concept floating around that describes two types of mindsets that many entrepreneurs operate out of. One of these mindsets can help us build a better business and life, and the other can limit us and hold us back. In this post, I’m going to touch on what these two mindsets look like and how we can start choosing a healthier mindset.
Scarcity mindset:
The scarcity mindset is based out of limitation. The scarcity mindset says, “I fear there’s not enough for me and everyone else, so I need to keep as much as I can for myself.” When we live from a place of scarcity, we claw for opportunities and even when there is actually an abundance of them. We worry that if we don’t beat our competitors to the punch that we’ll have to give up our dreams.
Abundance mindset:
The abundance mindset is based out of security. The abundance mindset says, “I have everything I need and there’s plenty to go around.” When we operate from a place of abundance, we are able to make intentional decisions based on what is best for us instead of being motivated by fear.
How do we stay in the abundance mindset? Here are some tips!
#1 – Remind yourself that there is more than enough.
When we see our industry as saturated, it can be easy to feel like there aren’t enough opportunities to go around. Instead, remind yourself that there is plenty to go around!
#2 – Choose to see obstacles as opportunities.
Obstacles are inevitable, but we can choose how we handle them. When issues occur, choose to see them as learning opportunities.
#3 – Be careful who you let into your circle.
The people we keep in our life can really effect how we think about things. Aim to stay close to friends who share an encouraging mindset.
I hope these tips help you with keeping a positive mindset!