I remember my morning routine during college…
It went something like:
6am: jolt awake at the sound of my alarm
7am: finish my hair and makeup just enough so I didn’t look like I stayed up until 2am
7:30am: run out the door with a granola bar and backpack in hopes that I didn’t hit heavy traffic and have to speed
Needless to say, I don’t miss those rushed mornings, and working from home now definitely has the huge perk of getting to decide what my morning routine looks like.
Whether you’re an entrepreneur or not, I want you believe that you have the choice to decide at least to some degree what your morning routine looks like.
By default, if we don’t decide for ourselves how we want our day to start, either our distractions or emotions will decide for us what the morning will bring.
Without a morning routine, I would probably eat whatever I see first or want for breakfast (probably something sugary) and then head straight to my computer to get right to work (#workaholictendencies)–– when really, I need to stop and have a quiet time and set my mind up for a solid day.
Even if you’re a momma, you have at least *some* control on most days–– not all of them, obviously, but some. And those few where it works out will probably feel like the most productive, positive days of your week.
I’m sharing my own personal morning routine that I strive to go by every morning as of right now.
Disclaimer though–– my morning routine changes and is tweaked pretty often. Because honestly, you can make an awesome morning routine plan… and then realize that it’s not realistic at all! Making adjustments as needed will help save you from frustration. And, too, my mornings really differ between the seasons. In busy season (May – October) I’m more likely to start my day earlier and get to work faster, whereas in my slow season, I’m going to take my time.
I think it’s normal to have a different morning routine based on whatever season of life you’re in. The main thing is that you’re tuned in with yourself and figuring a plan based on what is actually helping you start your day well.
My Morning Routine
7:00: Tea + morning pages + devotional
8:00: Breakfast
8:30: 30-minute workout
9: Get ready for the day
Super elaborate, right?
Not really! I hope you weren’t thinking I had some incredibly detailed and impressive morning routine, because I don’t. I literally copy and pasted this out of my Google doc. This is what I go by and has worked well for me.
Let’s break it down, just for fun.
7:00: I like to wake up naturally with the sun, no alarms, when possible. This means my wake up time changes throughout the year depending on what time the sun rises, but it feels the most natural to me.
7:05: I typically don’t shower right away, but instead like to go straight for my journal and mix up my protein shake of plant-based chocolate protein powder, Vital Proteins collagen powder in dark chocolate berry (AMAZING), along with medicinal mushroom powders depending on how I’m feeling. I also take all of my vitamins and supplements.
7:10: I try to give myself a time limit to journaling, but it’s hard to stop once I get going. I like to have my Bible out, as well as my devotional, and kind of just journal whatever I’m feeling, praying about or reading that day. Rather than read pages from an actual book, I prefer a smaller, focused devotional. Right now I’m doing this one by Bonnie Gray!
8:00: Here I try to get in a 30-minute workout. I have a mat over by our french doors in the living room with two sets of weights and will do a pretty simple, well-rounded routine.
8:30: Typically by now I’ve drank my protein shake and will try to eat something else to go with it, like a bowl of oatmeal or some fruit or eggs. Now that I think about it, it’s probably counterintuitive to drink my shake before a workout… haha. Maybe I should change that?
9:00: Now I shower and get ready for the day! I typically don’t put makeup on unless I have a meeting, just to save myself some time. Also, I know some entrepreneurs who swear by putting on “real clothes” when they start work. I fall somewhere in-between, typically going for something that I could run errands in like nice sweats and a workout shirt, but rarely put something like pajamas on to work.
Super simple, but it’s a routine that is working well for me and I really enjoy it!
If you wanted to get more in-depth with your morning, I know a lot of entrepreneurs who like to get in a 30-60 minute time slot of reading in the morning. I tried this for a while this summer and was way too distracted by the to-do lists in my head to stay focused! I’m hoping this winter I can try it again, but I’m such an energetic morning person that I don’t like to sit still for too too long in the morning. Keeping it simple has worked best.
Also, I have had a long on-going battle with waking up earlier. I so wish at A: I didn’t hate waking up to an alarm, or B: That I woke up naturally like Sleeping Beauty right when the birds start chirping at 5:45am. But it’s just not a natural thing for me and when I try to get up earlier, I just end up getting too sleepy in the afternoon, so I finally let myself lose that battle and wake up naturally at 7am and it’s worked much better.
What kind of morning routine do you have going on? If you don’t really have one, you should try one this week! Here are some tips to get you started.
My Tips for Creating Your Own Morning Routine
- Start the day as quiet as possible. I know for some this might not be possible unless you get up super early, but I feel like the days where I end up the most cranky, upset, or stressed are the ones where I get out of bed and go straight to working without having some quiet before my brain is allowed to go crazy with to-do lists and thoughts and ideas. Having some quiet gives you a little control to choose how you want your day to feel.
- Visualize your day. Think through the tasks that you need to accomplish to get to where you want to be at the end of your day. Then, consider what you want would to have accomplished before all of those tasks to have done them well and feel good at the end of the day. Maybe that means a quiet time to journal or read, or getting in a 30-minute workout.
- Write your routine down. Maybe your routine is pretty simple and straightforward like mine. Even so, I think it’s just a good reminder for me when I see it written down on my calendar. It almost somehow solidifies in my brain that that is my morning game plan.
- Get some movement in. You don’t necessarily have to do a full-on workout unless you feel like that’s what you need to have a good morning, but any kind of movement, whether it’s a walk or lifting some weights will energize you and boost your mental clarity.
- Get near the light. This might sound weird, but I’ve read studies that say that people who start their day in the morning light feel a more positive attitude throughout the day. I have no idea where I read that so I can’t link any credit to it, but don’t you just feel better after you’ve been in the sun? Get near some light while you read or workout and soak up those rays.
Last tip: Realize that even if your morning routine is just fitting in 1 positive thing for yourself, that’s still amazing and is better than just letting life happen unintentionally! Morning routines aren’t all about having a killer green smoothie and 1-hour workout at the gym followed by another hour of reading and meditation. It’s okay to start small and just give yourself a “mini routine” until you figure out what works well for you!